Barberino di Mugello - Firenze Incisa Valdarno - Lot 1

Project value: 223.454.548,18 Euros

End of works (as per contract): 2018, November

Start of works: 2014, May 22nd

Expected duration of works: 1.643 days


Earth movements: 1.979.315,29 M3

Sub-foundations: 8.961,83 M3 - 7.436,00 ml

Concrete:127.035,24 M3

Asphalt surfacing (specificare eventuale quantità da riciclo): 97.556,05 TON of wich 58.983,12 TON of recycled asphalt

Draining pavement: 12.342,73 TON


Main intervention carried out: Road tunnels and viaducts.