Pavimental participates in the FIGI Project


Pavimental has recently signed a collaboration agreement with the Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering of the Sapienza University of Rome, which will enable it to play an active part in the FIGI (Faculty of Engineering & Large Enterprises) Project.

The Project was launched in 2005 with the aim of bringing the academic world and the world of large and medium-sized Italian companies closer together.

To achieve this, the University and the Companies commit to develop and implement, through synergy, training projects based on the actual labour market requirements. These training projects will be of a high standard and specialised. Research projects will also be conducted which share a common interest between the partner companies and the university world.

Pavimental will be providing regular and structured support to the Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering, involving the development of specialised training programmes using its own resources and skills, the promotion of activities of interest to the company that involve the direct involvement of university students, and the implementation of placement activities aimed at facilitating their transition into the labour market by offering internships.

This will enable the quality of graduate training to be enhanced, while at the same time facilitating their entry into companies which, in turn, will be able to count on professional profiles that are better suited to their needs.

Further information and details are available on the dedicated project page of the Sapienza University of Rome’s website at